Friday, January 18, 2013

We are going to be starting our new unit on Fossils. This unit is very difficult so please remind your student to study every day. I am going to start sending home spelling words home the week before so that your student can have some extra time to study.


We are also going to be going on a field trip on January 29. This will cost $2.50. Please make sure to send the fee as soon as possible. If you have any questions please feel free to get a hold of me.

Spelling words and vocabulary will be up on Monday.

Monday, January 7, 2013

I have added two new tabs to the top of the blog. One is for spelling and the other vocabulary. These go along with the story that we are reading. This weeks spelling and vocabulary are already posted.

Looking ahead:

1/7/13 - 1/11/13 - How the Guinea Fowl Got Her Spots

1/14/13 - 1/18/13 - Animal Camouflage

January 18th is a half day. The kids will be released at 1:30, this is the end of the 2nd quarter.

The week of the 21 - 25 we are looking at having a field trip, more details to come.