Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12 Days of Christmas

Harrison Elementary is going to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas. You do not need to buy anything special, just use the stuff around your home. We are so excited to celebrate the holiday season!

  1. Thursday, December 3rd - Wear your Pajamas
  2. Friday, December 4th - Wear an ugly Sweater
  3. Monday, December 7th - Red, White, and Blue Christmas - wear the colors and bring a Christmas card to be mailed to a soldier
  4. Tuesday, December 8th - Dress like a Christmas Tree (wear garland)
  5. Wednesday, December 9th  - Wear a Christmas Bow
  6. Thursday, December 10th - Dress like a Reindeer (wear antlers)
  7. Friday, December 11th - Dress like a Snowman
  8. Monday, December 14th - Dress like a character from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
  9. Tuesday, December 15th - Wear red and show support for Troops serving during Christmas
  10. Wednesday, December 16th - Dress like an Elf
  11. Thursday, December 17th - Wear Christmas Socks
  12. Friday, December 18th - Wear a Christmas hat

This should be a lot of fun! Let's try for 100% participation. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

This week!

We will have a busy next few weeks. Please keep an eye out to see what is going on. I will be adding more information about upcoming events later today. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015


The next two days we will be finishing up our research week. The students have created brochures as well as slideshows. They look amazing and I will post them here when they are completed. 

Friday, November 6, 2015


Today is crazy hair day. We also have a sucker sale for $.50. Can't wait to see the amazingly crazy hair.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Friday,October 9th

Tomorrow is our second FUN FILLED FRIDAY!!! Tomorrow have your student dress mismatched. We also are going to have a cookie sale. Your student can get one Halloween cookie for $0.50. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5 - 9

First of all sorry that it has been so long between posts we have been super busy in class. The students finished their country reports last week. They turned out amazing and I can't wait to show you all of their hard work at conferences. 

Please look for your conference time today attached to the homework. Check the date and time and let me know if that works for you. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

September 21 - 25

If you would like to order books please do so by Friday, September 25. I also wanted to let you know that I have created a website that shares all of the same information as the blog just in a different format. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to get in touch with me. I would like to let you know that we will be starting our first big project next week. This will be were we take two countries and compare them. This is a lot of work for the kids, but it will be so much fun for the kids. Please keep and eye out for the students work over the next few weeks here online so that you can see what they have done. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 7-11

This week is already half over and we just got started! This week we will continue our work on friendly letters during our writing period. The students are working on not only writing a friendly letter, but also responding to a friendly letter.Book orders will be coming home this week. Please keep an eye out for those. They will be due back next Friday.The Habit we are working on this week is habit 3: Put first things first. this habit teaches the students that there is an order to what we do in our lives. This is easy to see in school, we do our work first then we play. This habit is one that some students can struggle with so please talk to your student about who they can show this habit and remind them if you see them forgetting. This week we are in Unit 1 Week 3 for our reading program. This week we are talking about how a pet can be an important friend. The students have some amazing thoughts and ideas about this topic. It is so much fun seeing the students become excited about what we are learning. If you have any questions please let me know. Lets all have a wonderful week. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Class Theme Day!!

Thursday, September 3rd will be our first Class Theme Day! This day we are encouraging all students and teachers to dress in a matching color for their grade level. This is a great way to build school spirit and have some fun with the students. Second grade will be wearing purple. Please see the note coming home to today for more information. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

We have made it through the first full week!!!

We had a great first week. The students are working hard and always seem excited to be at school. The overall classroom behavior has continued to improve daily! Today we will take our first set of test. This will be done as a group so that the students know what to expect when they have to complete the test on their own in the weeks to come. 

Next Week: 

  •  We will be working on the second habit which is Begin with the End in Mind. This habit teaches the students to think of the outcome and then work towards that goal. 

  • We will also be getting out early on Friday, September 4th. The students will be dismissed at 1:10. Please make sure that your student knows how they are getting home if you are unable to be here at 1:10.

  • You can find the spelling, vocabulary, and high frequency words at the following link - Unit 1 Week 2 or you can find them by clicking on the wonders tab on the left side of the blog. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

First Day!

What an amazing first day! This is such an wonderful group of students. We do have a large class but they all worked so hard to day and they worked so well together. This is going to be an amazing year. 


This week and next week we will be working on the first habit: Be Proactive. This habit helps the students realize they are in charge of themselves. WE read a story today about Sammy the squirrel and how his friends couldn't find something for Sammy to do that wasn't boring.  The student's shared that it was up to Sammy to find something he wanted to do not his friends. This would be something wonderful for you to talk with your student about over the next few days. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Open House

If you want to know who your student's teacher will be this coming school year please plan on attending our Open House. This years Open House will be on Tuesday, August 18 from 5:00 - 6:30. We hope to see you there!!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer is coming to and end.

As summer is coming to and end please be aware that our supply list is at most stores. We will be having our Open House in August and that will be when your student will be able to find out how their teacher is going to be for the coming school year.

Monday, April 13, 2015

This week . . .

This week we will be working on:


Weekly Concept: Cooperation Works!

Essential Question: How do people get along?

This is a great discussion started with your kiddos. Ask then 

so share what their classmates may have said or what they 

shared with the class. 


Addition and subtraction strategies. We are working on finding different ways of solving problems without needing to draw a picture. We have been focusing on number lines and breaking numbers into simplified forms, example 15= 10+5. 

Monday, April 6, 2015


I have added pictures from the Red Apple Gala. This was a great opportunity for four of our students to share all that they have learned about robotics. I was so proud watching them talk with members of our community.

I will be adding videos and pictures from the wax museum. The students did amazing. I am so proud of all of the hard work they put into their leaders. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

We are working so hard to make sure we know who are leaders and we are ready to share. I have been so impressed with all of the students hard work. I will try and add videos of the students working hard this week. I know that our guests on Friday are going to be really impressed with all of the students. 

Monday, March 30, 2015


So excited to be back at school. This will be a great week!  This week we will be practicing for our wax museum presentations on Friday. I know that this will be a great chance for the students to share what they have learned with other students. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with me this week. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Field Trip

We will be going to the Bowladrome on Wednesday, April 8, 2015. This will cost $5.00 to attend. We will leave around 9:30 and return by 11:15. If you have any question please let me know. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Family Fun Night

Tonight we have Family Fun Night!! This is a great time to come to the school and see some of the amazing things happening in out school. Family Fun Night starts at 5:30 and goes until 7:00. We would love to see you there. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

I will be adding PowerPoint showing what the students are working on that week. This will help you see all of the great things that are going on in our class weekly. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Student work

Here are some amazing student work samples. The kids did such an amazing job! 

Next Week

Please remember that your student's weather project is due on Thursday. If you have any questions please let me know. I also want to remind everyone that we will be having our Valentine's Day Party on Thursday. This is a great time for the kids to share positive notes with each other. A list will be coming home this week so that you can have your student working on them over the next week. 

Monday, January 26, 2015


This week we will be taking a closer look at weather. Please keep and eye out for your students weather project coming home this week. This project is for your child to do at home and return in two weeks finished. This is a great chance for your child to share what we are learning in class. New AR goals have been set for each student so make sure your student is reading every night and knows the names of the books so they can take a test in class.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Field trip Wednesday

Please send your student with their $3.00 by Wednesday. They won't be able to go on the field trip if they don't have their money.