Tuesday, September 30, 2014

We are in the middle of a short week!

   We are still working hard at making sure a lot of learning is taking place. This week we will begin a week 4 of our new reading program. The weekly concept and skills we will be working at can be found here.

   Over the next few weeks we will be setting up parent teacher conferences. Please be on the look out for your time when they come home next Friday. 

   Also keep an eye out here on the blog for student work. They are working so hard and are so proud to show it off. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 22 - September 26

This week our class will be discussing the pets in our lives. We will learn about pets and how they can be important friends.

Weekly Concept: Pets are our Friends

Essential Question: How can a pet be an important 


This would be a great time to share your personal experiences

with pets with your child. We will start working on write 

personal narratives. Your student will be creating a person 

narrative over the next few weeks. Keep your eyes out for 

your students work coming home so you can see how they 

are doing on their writing. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8 - 12

It is our first five day week! We will be working hard this week so keep an eye out on Friday for all of your students amazing work. 

Book orders are due on September 19, 2014, and can be ordered online using the classroom code GMNHV. The books will come to my class and I will deliver them to  your student. 

There is no school on Monday, September 15, 2014. This is a teacher work day so enjoy the long weekend.